Welcome to our website
Machine design rules make sure safety and quality are in focus
We are part of a group of companies with 75 employees. Our main headquarters is in western Münsterland in North-Rhine-Westphalia. Starting 1970 we celebratee our 50th anniversry in 2020!
For more than 50 years we design and build special machines for customers worldwide.
Our customers are on woodworking, PE-manufacturing, Automotive, Trailermanufacturing and many more businesses.
Up to 2022 we delivered number 350 or our CNC stretchbending machines to customers.
Recently we extended our core abilities to the machinig of Aluminiumprofiles. Fully automated robot cells are part of our portfolio
Gemeinsamer Erfolg ist unser Konzept.
- Solution oriented development
- Design with the costumers consultation
- Production of spare parts and assemblies in our own plant.
- Productions support at the costumers firm with our own Assemblers
- One contact person for every possible problem
The company Günther Wensing was founded in a garage in Stadtlohn (Westphalia) by Günther Wensing in 1970.

We are ready to take on the exiting future, with the building of a new production site and the expansion of our design department

Even though our machines varies a lot they all have the same reliability and quality “Made in Germany”.

One of our biggest strength is the delivery of complete systems. Since we complete the machines inhouse, we can make sure to keep a very close eye on the developments.

Von der Idee zur Maschine
„We thought of everything“ – is our concept – The focus is the solution.
We are strong partner, thanks to our decade long experience, as well as our continuous development for our solutions.